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Presenter Guides

Oral | Poster | Upload Presentations

Upload Oral Presentations (Opens: 15 Dec 2017)

  1. Upload Oral (30, 15, 3) Presentation Files via Your Personal Account on MARS
    This service aims to enable presenters a secure and convenient way to access and transfer their presentation files to the session rooms, from anywhere. It is strongly recommended you use this service, although you will also be able to bring a thumb drive to the venue.
    Step 1:Log-in on MARS with your Login Email and Password here:
    Step 2:Follow the screen steps to upload/delete your presentation file(s).
  2. Deadlines and Supported Oral Presentation File Formats
    Oral 30, Oral 15 and Oral 3 (Up to 3 Files per abstract)

    Upload Deadline Wed 31 Jan 2018
    Max Total File Size 100MB
    File Formats Slides: .ppt, .pptx, pdf
    Video: .mov, .avi, .mpg, .mp4, .wmv

Presenter Guide – Oral

  1. Prepare Your Oral Presentation
    Length of presentation material should be in accordance with your time allotted.
    • Oral 30 includes 25 minute presentation + 5 minute Q&A
    • Oral 15 includes 12 minute presentation + 3 minute Q&A
    • Oral 3 includes 2.5 minute poster introduction with no Qs (please keep the number of slides 1 to 4) + dedicated poster viewing session in the afternoon

    Please refer to the Final Program for actual presentation schedules. You are kindly requested to be at the presentation room at least 15 minutes before the session starts.

  2. Determine Your Audio-Visual Needs
    Each meeting room comes equipped with a laser pointer, computer, LCD projector and screen. The computers in the meeting rooms are being provided to Windows‐based PC users. The PC will be configured with Windows Operating System. Please bring your presentation files in thumb drives. For MAC-laptop users, please bring your own VGA adapter cable.

  3. Create a Backup Copy of Your Presentation
    We recommend that you bring at least 2 copies of your presentation to the meeting for backup purposes. Thumb drives are acceptable.

  4. Give Your Presentation
    Be considerate to the other speakers and audience by staying within your allocated time. The allocated time for Oral 30 and Oral 15 presentations include a discussion and changeover to the next speaker. Session Chairs will hold you to the allotted time. This is essential to ensure adequate time for questions and discussion as well as adherence to the schedule. Please discuss the same material as reported in your abstract submission. At the end of the meeting, all presentation files will be destroyed.

Presenter Guide – Poster

  1. Locate Your Poster Board
    Poster presentations will be held from Tue–6 Feb 2018 to Thu–8 Feb 2018 in Ballroom 1. Poster boards are pre-assigned and marked with your Abstract ID. Please feel free to approach the Poster Help Desk for assistance.
  2. Poster Set-up, Question and Answer (Q & A) Session and Tear-down

    Day, Date Themes Poster Set-up Poster Q & A Poster Tear-down
    Tue 6 Feb 2018A, E, F, G 08:00 - 08:20 & 10:15 - 10:45
    (please do not set up posters while oral talks are going on in the room)
    16:00 to 17:00
    (Presenter attendance required)
    By 18:30
    Wed 7 Feb 2018 A, D, F
    Thu 8 Feb 2018 B, C, D, G
  3. Prepare Your Poster
    Each presenter is provided with a 1m wide x 2.5m high (TBC) poster panel. The presentation must cover the same material as the abstract submitted. We recommend the poster is 1 x A0 size in portrait format, measuring 841 mm length x 1189 mm height maximum.

    • Place your Abstract ID, Abstract Title and Authors’ names prominently at the top of the poster to allow viewers to identify your abstract easily.
      Presenter’s Name must be underlined and in Bold Letterings.
    • Authors’ names, e‐mails and address information must be provided in case the viewer is interested in contacting you for more information.
    • You have complete freedom in displaying your information in figures, tables, text, photographs, etc in the poster.
    • A successful poster presentation depends on how well you convey information to an interested (but not expert) audience. You may wish to structure your poster by including the background of your research followed by results and conclusions.
  4. Set Up Your Poster (See also 1 & 2 above)

    • Posters should be set-up by 13:00 of the assigned day, but preference is by 08:20.
    • Posters are scheduled to be on display from 16:00 to 17:00 for the presentation day.
    • Poster Q & A Session is as scheduled and presenter attendance is required during the session.
    • Adhesive tapes and scissors are available at the Poster Help Desk, nearby the poster boards. If you have special needs for your poster presentation, please bring those supplies with you to the meeting.

  5. Remove Your Poster

    • Posters must be removed after the viewing time by 18:30.
    • After this time, posters remaining on the boards may be removed and discarded by cleaners. The conference will not be responsible for posters and materials left on poster boards after the stated hours.