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Field Trips

Taal Volcano Field Trip | Hazards in the Megacity of Manila | Typhoon Haiyan Impacts |
Mayon Volcano

Field Trip 1: Taal Volcano Field Trip (Pre-conference)

Day/Date:      Mon-5 Feb 2018
Price Per Person:      USD 65 / SGD 86
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Field trip on Lake Taal (by boat) and to Taal Volcano (by foot or horse, to be decided) will also be organized with local tour operators. These trips will allow delegates to visit the crater lake and the small villages on the edge of the lake. Costs will cover lunch, transport from the conference venue, boat across the lake, and tour guides.

Field Trip 2: Hazards in the Megacity of Manila (Post-conference) Cancelled (Lack of numbers)

Day/Date:      Fri-9 Feb 2018
Price Per Person:      USD 70 / SGD 92
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Attendees will visit Manila, the sprawling capital of the Philippines and a city that experiences a multitude of natural hazards from consistent seasonal flooding and typhoons to constant risk of tsunamis and earthquakes. Sites include the flood-prone communities of Manila, the subdivisions transected by an active fault line, and a visit to the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH) Center and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. Organizers will provide city-transport and lunch, and participants will cover their own hotel accommodations, breakfast and dinner. Hotel pick-up and drop off is inclusive within Quezon City.

Field Trip 3: Typhoon Haiyan Impacts (Post-conference)

Day/Date:      Fri-9 to Sun-11 Feb 2018
Price Per Person:      USD 450 / SGD 600
Group Size:      Min 10 Pax, Max 20 Pax
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This post conference trip will investigate the impact of Typhoon Haiyan on Tacloban and surrounding areas. Attendees will see informal communities, community aid projects, post events mapping efforts, historical evidence of past events, geomorphic and sedimentary records of Haiyan and ongoing palaeotempestology programs. The cost includes accommodation, local transportation and meals.
Day 1 AfternoonTanuan and Tacloban (coastal erosion,
storm surge heights and typhoon deposits
Day 2 Morning/AfternoonHernani and Guiuan surf beat, structural damage,
1897 impacts and boulders
Day 3 MorningTacloban floated ships and informal settlements

Field Trip 4: Mayon Volcano (Post-conference) Cancelled (Lack of numbers)

In this post conference fieldtrip attendees will visit the Mayon volcano to investigate the monitoring that is going on and the impact of recent events on the local population. The cost includes accommodation, local transportation and meals.

Day 1Mayon observatory (evening Mayon film)
Day 2Lahars and damaged villagers
Day 3Mayon from a distance