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By 10-Oct-17
Programme Draft
By 15-Nov-17
Author Registration
By 15-Dec-17

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New Dimensions for Natural Hazards in Asia: An AOGS-EGU Joint Conference is a joint AOGS / EGU venture dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of natural hazards. This joint conference will be held at Taal Vista Hotel in Tagaytay, which is renowned for its cool weather and its spectacular view overseeing the Taal Lake and the Taal Volcano.

This international conference brings together students, early career and established scientists from all areas of the globe. The aim is to discuss current advances in knowledge and new perspectives relevant to natural hazards in the Asian region.

Informative field trips are currently under development to provide an amazing conference experience. They are also an excellent way to meet and exchange ideas with colleagues and friends.

Conference Themes:

A:Natural hazards in the megacity
B:Transient and long-term effects of catastrophic perturbations
C:Hazard development under a changing climate
D:Multi-hazard interactions (cascades)
E:Black swans and grey swan events
F: Natural hazard communications, warning systems and monitoring programmes
G: Single Hazard Case Studies
H: General Contributions

We invite contributions in the above themes, from the practical to the theoretical. Although primarily aimed at geo-scientists and geo-engineers, we also encourage contributions from economists, social scientists, historians, policy actors, educators and hazard practitioners.