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Wing Ip Medal

(Year Instituted: 2018)

for recognizing unselfish cooperation
and leadership in geoscience in the Asia Oceania region

How to Nominate?
Complete nominations should be sent by email, with the documents in pdf format as attachments for the attention of the Award Committee. See point 5 below for requirements.

2021 Award Nomination: Opens 15 Sep 2020; Closes 19 Jan 2021
Please submit your nominations by 19 Jan 2021 in MARS: https://meetmatt-svr.net/Account/Login

The AOGS establishes the AOGS Wing IP Medal in honour of Professor Wing Huen IP, world renowned astronomer specializing in cometary physics; solar system plasma physics; solar system origin and planet formation; planetary atmospheres and exospheric systems.

Professor Ip participated significantly as a founding member during the inception of AOGS. He was subsequently elected to the post of AOGS President, for which he held office from 2002 to 2006, and currently remains noted as having served the longest term in the capacity of the esteemed position. Following his illustrious tenure, he has continued to render considerable support to AOGS in the interest of enhancing the society's outreach in the geosciences field at a regional level and beyond.

Calls for nominations for the Wing Ip Medal should be announced at least 9 months before the next AOGS Annual General Meeting.

Important Information

  1. Wing Ip Medal nominations for recognizing unselfish co-operation and leadership in geoscience in the Asia Oceania region.

  2. A fixed package of USD2, 500 will be awarded to the winner on a reimbursement basis for covering airfare, hotel and all other travel associated expenses. Registration fee exempt for attending the annual meeting to receive the award.

  3. If the Council awards a Wing Ip Medal then it will be conferred at an Annual General Meeting of AOGS.

  4. The Award Committee should evaluate and rank the nominated candidates and then submit its recommendations and the ranked list to the Council, at least 3 months prior to the next AOGS Annual General Meeting, for consideration and approval.

    The criteria for ranking focus on the excellence and duration of a candidate's record of international leadership and unselfish cooperation in the geosciences, particularly in Asia and Oceania, including the following:

    1. Leadership roles in national and international science activities to promote geosciences

    2. Mentoring of graduate students and early career geoscientists

    3. Sustained effort to foster international collaboration through research projects, organization of workshops, etc.

    4. Substantial leadership role in scientific societies promoting aspects of geoscience

    5. Sustained engagement with AOGS

    6. Contributions to the dissemination of geoscience knowledge to a broad audience.

  5. Requirements for Nominations of the Wing Ip Medal

    1. A nomination letter: this
      1. Should demonstrate the nominee's outstanding co-operation and leadership in geosciences (including planetary and solar system science) in the Asia Oceania region and
      2. Must be 2 pages or less in length.

    2. A list of selected publications: this list
      1. Must be no longer than 2 pages and describe the major publications of the nominee, and
      2. Must include evidence that best support the argument for award of the Wing Ip Medal

    3. Curriculum Vitae: this must be approximately 2 pages of length and include the nominee's degrees, employment, honours, memberships, and service to the scientific community.

    4. Three supporting reference letters:
      - Supporting letters from the outside of the candidate's home country are necessary to show wide international recognition.