
The Third AOGS‐EGU Joint Conference on New Dimensions for Natural Hazards in Asia
(20 to 22 September 2021, 07:00‐11:00 GMT)

Click on the time to open the link to the programme and recording

Monday - 20 Sept | Tuesday - 21 Sept | Wednesday - 22 Sept

Monday ‐ 20 September 2021
07:00-07:30 GMT
(15:00-15:30 SST)

Zoom Webinar (Plenary)
Theme 1: Moderated Panel discussion on "Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change"

[I-I Lin, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan; James Terry, Zayed Univ., UAE; Annie Lau*, Univ. of Queensland, Australia; Kristen Cook*, GFZ Potsdam, Germany; Adam Switzer*; Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore] [* = Theme Conveners]

Watch Recorded Session
07:30-08:00 GMT
(15:30-16:00 SST)

Zoom Webinar (Plenary)
Theme 2: Short Talks on "Human-Induced Hazards and Technological Hazards/Disasters"

[Short Talks: Fatma Lestari, Universitas Indonesia; Joel Gill, British Geological Survey, UK;
[Theme Conveners: Kyle Bradley, Earth Observatory of Singapore; Agung Harijoko, Universitas Dadjah Mada, Indonesia; Bruce D Malamud, King's College London, UK]

Watch Recorded Session
08:00-09:30 GMT
(16:00-17:30 SST)

Zoom Meeting Theme 1
Zoom Meeting Theme 2
Theme 1:
Panel discussion with Padlets in one room - (A) Hazards and climate change (45') + (B) IPCC extreme events (45')

Theme 2:
Series of collaborative exercises (Google Maps), audience engagement (mentimeter), breakout rooms for small group discussions (max. 7 people, Padlets) on "anthropogenic hazards" then "technological disasters"

09:30-10:00 GMT
(17:30-18:00 SST)

Zoom Meeting
Themes 1 to 7
Group Display Material Viewing

(Padlets + Zoom Breakout Rooms for meet the authors)

10:00-11:00 GMT
(18:00-19:00 SST)

Zoom Webinar (Plenary)
Themes 1 and 2 Panel Discussions, Summaries and Audience Q&A.

End Day's Activities

Watch Recorded Session

Tuesday - 21 September 2021
07:00-07:30 GMT
(15:00-15:30 SST)

Zoom Webinar (Plenary)
Theme 3. Moderated panel discussion on "Natural Hazards and Mega Cities"

[Nguyen Hong, Quan. Inst. for Circular Economy Development, Vietnam; Andrés Payo, British Geological Survey, UK; David Chen, The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong]
[Theme Conveners: Pham Tien Dat, Vietnam National Univ., Vietnam; Faith Chan, Univ. of Nottingham Ningbo China; David Higgitt, Lancaster Univ. at Beijing, China]

Watch Recorded Session
07:30-08:00 GMT
(15:30-16:00 SST)

Zoom Webinar (Plenary)
Theme 4: Short talks and panel discussion on "Monitoring Methods"

[Short talks: Spectral Approaches, Sabine Chabrillat, GFZ, Germany; Seismology, Eva Eibl, Univ. Potsdam, Germany; Fibre Optics, Gilda Currenti, INGV, Italy]
[Theme Conveners: Paolo Tarolli, Univ. of Padova, Italy; Niels Hovius, GFZ, Germany; Philippe Jousset, GFZ, Germany; Nelly Florida Riama, BMKG, Indonesia]

Watch Recorded Session
08:00-09:30 GMT
(16:00-17:30 SST)

Zoom Meeting Theme 3
Zoom Meeting Theme 4
Theme 3:
Mindmap padlet facilitated discussion in one room on natural hazards and mega cities. Short talks by panelists. Discussion sessions.

Theme 4:
3 x 30' moderated discussions on the following themes in one room:
(A) Remote sensing discussion
(B) In-situ sensing discussion
(C) What is the future of remote monitoring?

09:30-10:00 GMT
(17:30-18:00 SST)

Zoom Meeting
Themes 1 to 7
Group Display Material Viewing

(Padlets + Zoom Breakout Rooms for meet the authors)

10:00-11:00 GMT
(18:00-19:00 SST)

Zoom Webinar (Plenary)
Themes 3 and 4 Keynote Speaker (Kuo-Fong Ma, IES, Academia Sinica and National Central University) + Audience Q&A

End Day's Activities

Watch Recorded Session

Wednesday - 22 September 2021
07:00-07:30 GMT
(15:00-15:30 SST)

Zoom Webinar (Plenary)
Theme 5: Introductions, Audience Engagement, Overview of Breakouts "Natural Hazard Forecasting, Nowcasting, Early Warning & Response"

[Speakers for breakouts: Bill Fry, GNS Science, New Zealand; Sang-Ho Yun, Earth Observatory of Singapore]
[Theme Conveners: Susanna Jenkins, ASE/EOS Singapore; Gayatri Indah Marliyani, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia; Dalia Kirschbaum, NASA, USA; Robert Emberson, NASA, USA]
[Facilitators: Vanesa Burgos, Earth Observatory of Singapore; Josh Hayes, Earth Observatory of Singapore]

Watch Recorded Session
07:30-08:00 GMT
(15:30-16:00 SST)

Zoom Webinar (Plenary)
Theme 6: Introductions, Invited Talk on "Multi-Hazard Relationships, Transient Effects and Dynamic Risk"

[Invited Talk: Katsuichiro Goda, Western Univ., Canada]
[Theme Conveners and Breakout Facilitators: Margreth Keiler, Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria; Heidi Kreibich, GFZ, Germany; Anawat Supprasri, Tohoku Univ., Japan]

Watch Recorded Session
08:00-08:30 GMT
(16:00-16:30 SST)

Zoom Webinar (Plenary)
Theme 7: Moderated Panel discussion on "Natural Hazards Communications, Education and Policy-Science-Public Interface"

[Panelists: Devy Kamil Syahbana, Center for Volcanology & Geological Hazard Mitigation, Indonesia; Nico Fournier, GNS Science, New Zealand; Pamela Gloria Cajilig, RMIT School of Architecture and Urban Design, Australia, and Curiosity Design Research, Philippines]
[Theme Conveners: Lauriane Chardot, Earth Observatory of Singapore; Amy Donovan, Cambridge Univ., UK; Djati Mardiatno, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia]

Watch Recorded Session
08:30-10:00 GMT
(16:30-18:00 SST)

Zoom Meeting Theme 5
Zoom Meeting Theme 6
Zoom Meeting Theme 7
Theme 5:
(A) 15' talks: "Hazard nowcasting/forecasting" (Bill Fry, GNS Science, New Zealand) and "Hazard nowcasting/forecasting" (Sang-Ho Yun, Earth Observatory of Singapore)
(B) Two breakout Groups on the above with Q&A and Comments
(C) Reflections

Theme 6:
Breakout Facilitated Discussions in three rooms
Room 1: Multi-hazard relationships;
Room 2: Transient Effects
Room 3: Dynamic Risk
Guiding questions in above rooms.

Theme 7:
Natural hazards communications, education and policy-science-public interface. Breakout Facilitated Discussions in two rooms: (A). Session 1 “Successes and Challenges” (45’). (B) Session 2 “Opportunities and Future research directions” (45’). Each session has two rooms: (Room 1) Communicating with policy; (Room 2) Communicating with the public.

10:00-10:30 GMT
(18:00-18:30 SST)

Zoom Meeting
Themes 1 to 7
Group Display Material Viewing

(Padlets + Zoom Breakout Rooms for meet the authors)

10:30-11:30 GMT
(18:30-19:30 SST)

Zoom Webinar (Plenary)
Themes 5, 6 and 7 Panel Discussions + Closing of overall conference

Watch Recorded Session